A team of SW engineers and developers, creative thinkers,  solution finders, agricultural and machinery enthusiasts and  perfectionists... 


... en route to build a global provider of performance solutions for every farmer or owner  of transport, handling or construction equipment. 

Agroecopower has been on the market since 2004 and specializes in SW modifications of self-propelled agricultural equipment – tractors, combines, forage harvesters, self propelled sprayers, transfer pumps, semi-trucks, construction equipment and others.  

A combination of our own SW development center, professional engineering and  cutting-edge technologies itself guarantees solutions at the highest technological level.  At the same time, we are able to provide individual modifications at the customer's  request and guarantee all our software modifications tailored to a specific machine. 

We are manufacturers of certified ATX dyno stations capable of breaking power up to  700 kW and torque of 5,500 N with the possibility of providing immediate measurement  of the increased engine performance result. 

We are providing 24/7 service in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary,  Romania and in 2014, we also started operations in the US and  Canada. 

For any individual enquiries or business partnerships email us on  
